5 Physical Therapy Myths

First, physical therapy is a well-known and popular profession, but a lot of people don’t fully understand what these healthcare professionals do. We want to dispel some common months about the field of physical therapy. This will help paint a better picture of what this amazing profession is all about.

Anyone can do physical therapy

A big misconception about physical therapists is that they just give random exercises and that constitutes a session. These are just minor components of what physical therapists have in their arsenal to use to help you.

Physical therapists are truly movement specialists who can identify movement dysfunctions. In addition, they create an entire treatment plan to fix those issues. At Symmetry Physical Therapy, we pride ourselves on using every possible tool we have to customize a plan of care that is truly tailor-made for you.

Why get physical therapy?

It’s definitely a limited view of physical therapists to think that their skills are only needed when someone is hurt.

But only seeing a PT when you’re injured cuts out a major component of the kind of care PTs can offer. Perhaps, you want to make sure your running form is the best it can be or improve your overhead squat. Moreover, make sure you can prevent injuries during your marathon training. A physical therapist can help you with all of the above. 

Physical therapists are personal trainers

It’s important to remember that physical therapists and personal trainers are two entirely different types of professionals. Some physical therapists are also personal trainers. Personal trainers are fitness professionals who develop and implement fitness programs for clients. They are certified to do this but do not have any educational or licensure requirements.


Lastly, physical therapists are healthcare professionals who diagnose and treat people with health conditions that limit their abilities to move and live their lives.

They are educated at the doctoral-level and must pass the National Physical Therapy Examination, resulting in licensure by the state. Both professions are beneficial in their own ways!

Most importantly, are you dealing with body aches related to activity or exercise? We are here to help! At Symmetry, we will provide you with a physical therapy assessment to get to the root cause of your pain. Check out our Youtube channel for more tips and easy to follow exercises videos. 

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