Stretch Therapy

stretch therapy class miami fl

Stretch Therapy Miami FL

Stretching offers many health benefits, including increases in flexibility, the release of endorphins, improved blood flow, and energy levels. Stretching also helps to reduce post-workout soreness, recovery time and decreases the risk of injury.

Stretching is a form of physical activity that involves deliberately stretching a muscle, tendon, and or connective tissue with the purpose of improving muscle elasticity, range of motion, and flexibility. 

*Stretching programs must be paired with mobility and strength. Often times when a muscle feels tight, it is due to a lack of joint mobility, or weakness in the surrounding muscles. It is imperative to realize the causal factor that is creating 'tight muscles' when creating a mobility program.

Detailed Evaluations

At Symmetry Physical Therapy, Downtown Miami, your therapist will conduct a detailed evaluation to assess where you have mobility and flexibility restrictions. Your therapist will develop a program tailored to your goals with the inclusion of the appropriate stretching techniques.

It is important to note that incorrectly stretching as well as choosing the incorrect method can be ineffective and even dangerous with the possibly of causing tears, hypermobility, instability, and damage to tendons and ligaments.

At Symmetry Physical Therapy our therapists are experts in stretching and mobility techniques. They will create an individually tailored program to help you achieve your goals.

stretch evaluations miami fl

Based on these initial stretch physical therapy evaluation findings your therapist will develop a program tailored to your goals with the inclusion of the appropriate stretching, mobility, and stability movements.

Dynamic Stretch Physical Therapy

Dynamic Stretching involves stretching with motion and gradually varying the speed and distance of the movement. These movements are completed in a very slow and controlled manner. Common examples are leg swings, arm swings, and torso swings. These types of stretches are typically beneficial when included in a warm up routine.

Static Stretch Physical Therapy

Static stretching involves stretching the muscle until gentle tension is felt and then holding for a prescribed period of time usually around 30 seconds. This is what is typically considered when people discuss stretching.

Ballistic Stretch Physical Therapy

Ballistic Stretching involves a rapid bouncing motion in which the momentum is used to stretch a muscle to maximum length. An example of this is repeatedly bouncing to touch your toes. Typically this stretching technique is not very useful and can be dangerous to muscle and connective tissue.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a type of stretch that involves hold relax and contract relax techniques to activate specific receptors in the muscles to decrease tension and improve muscle length.

Low Load Long Duration Stretch Therapy

Low load long duration stretching is a technique in which a gradual application of tension is added over time with the purpose of connective tissue remodeling and improved ROM.

Ready to reach your movement goals? Check your benefits now!


Symmetry Physical Therapy is a privately owned one-on-one, patient-centered physical therapy clinic in Downtown Miami/Brickell. Every treatment is with the same Doctor of Physical Therapy for the entire hour. Symmetry’s specialized, dedicated, and passionate team of physical therapists is fully committed to each patient’s success.

10+ Years as a Therapist Owned Physical Therapy Practice