Your Brain on Massage

Neck pain specialist

The Brain’s Response First, massage can be and beneficial for your overall health. A massage can improve the body’s physical state. Massage has not always been considered as an actual form of therapy. It has to gain medical legitimacy. This can be achieved through evidence-based practice. Also, it’s crucial to educate others about how massage therapy…

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The Benefits of Massage Therapy

massage therapy

How Massage Therapy Can Benefit Your Mental and Physical Health The benefits of massage can be an integral component in your self-care. When was the last time you had a massage? A massage is usually reserved for special occasions. Despite how great we feel, most of us don’t think about getting another massage until our…

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What’s the deal with foam rolling?

Perhaps one of the biggest buzzwords in the fitness and physical therapy communities is foam rolling. Isn’t that what everyone recommends doing these days? Walk into any gym and you’ll see foam rollers of all shapes and sizes. Chances are, you probably even have one tucked away in your closet or the corner of your…

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