Injuries in Running: Importance of Running Analysis for Avoiding Injuries

Injuries in Running: Importance of Running Analysis for Avoiding Injuries

Runners, whether seasoned athletes or weekend warriors, often face the risk of injuries as they place stress on their joints and muscles as they complete high-level activity. The nature of running includes the high impact and repetitive pounding on the lower extremity joints. This can lead to various issues, from minor strains of muscles, to joint degeneration, or other severe conditions that require extensive rehabilitation and time off from the sport.

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Running Analysis

what is a running analysis

Intro to Running Analysis Distance running as a competitive and recreational sport has exponentially increased in popularity over the years. We have more people running than ever before. But, many runners have not received any specific coaching on how to run. It is very easy to simply put on your shoes and start running without…

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Running Tips & Tricks


How to get to the finish line One of the most popular events in Miami is taking place this month- the Miami Corporate Run! We here at Symmetry are passionate about exercise and sports performance. We will briefly discuss how to address the run from your running form, injury prevention, and general nutrition. Here are…

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