Lumbar Radiculopathy and Sciatica

Lumbar radiculopathy sciatica symmetry pt miami

Lumbar radiculopathy and sciatica occur when a nerve in your back is pinched or compressed. This causes pain down the back of your leg and into your foot. It can be caused by a traumatic event or gradually over time. It occurs most commonly in males and females aged 30-50 years. Risk factors such as repeated lifting, participating in weight bearing sports, obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyles, and poor posture have been identified. The majority of these cases resolve with good physical therapy.

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Physical Therapy for Low Back Pain

Physical therapy for low back pain symmetry pt miami

Having low back pain? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Low back pain is the most common diagnosis treated by physical therapists and more than 70% of people experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Although low back pain can feel debilitating, it is rarely serious or life threatening. Physical therapy can help improve and restore your strength and mobility as well as reduce pain. At Symmetry Physical Therapy, we are specially trained in assessing the cause of your low back pain and creating a treatment plan for you so you can get back to doing what you love. Click here to schedule an appointment with us at our clinic located in Downtown Miami/Brickell! Keep reading below to find out what your experience will be with us.

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Pilates for Low Back Pain

pilates physical therapy Miami FL

Does Pilates Based Physical Therapy Help Reduce Low Back Pain?  Pilates is a form of exercise that shares many similarities with physical therapy. Pilates is based on several principles of movement including: breath, axial elongation and core control, spine articulation, organization of the head/neck/shoulders, alignment and weight bearing of the extremities, and movement integration. Utilizing…

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