Best Stretch Ever

hamstring stretch in supine

Best Stretch Ever: Applying Neuromuscular Science to Your Everyday Stretch Routine  Written By: Dr. Nicole Ramos, PT, DPT  Stretching is one of those things that we all know we should do regularly, but don’t. Everyone has a different reason for why stretching is consistently left out of their exercise routines. They include everything from “it’s…

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What is Contract-Relax Stretching?

physical therapy, stretching, downtown miami.

What is Contract-Relax Stretching? Contract-relax stretching is a form of PNF stretching. PNF stands for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. What does that mean? It means that it uses natural reflexes to further the stretching response. In contract-relax stretching, you must first isometrically contract the opposite muscle. Then after contracting, try to further stretch the intended target. For…

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Stretch Therapy

Stretch therapy is great to incorporate into your physical therapy. Although it is something that may seem commonsense, there is a science to stretching effectively. For example, you must hold a stretch for at least 30 seconds to lengthen muscle fiber- anything less than this amount of time actually doesn’t do anything for your body.…

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