Detailed Evaluations
At Symmetry Physical Therapy, Downtown Miami, your therapist will conduct a detailed evaluation to assess where you have mobility and flexibility restrictions. Your therapist will develop a program tailored to your goals with the inclusion of the appropriate stretching techniques.
It is important to note that incorrectly stretching as well as choosing the incorrect method can be ineffective and even dangerous with the possibly of causing tears, hypermobility, instability, and damage to tendons and ligaments.
At Symmetry Physical Therapy our therapists are experts in stretching and mobility techniques. They will create an individually tailored program to help you achieve your goals.
Based on these initial stretch physical therapy evaluation findings your therapist will develop a program tailored to your goals with the inclusion of the appropriate stretching, mobility, and stability movements.
Symmetry Physical Therapy is a privately owned one-on-one, patient-centered physical therapy clinic in Downtown Miami/Brickell. Every treatment is with the same Doctor of Physical Therapy for the entire hour. Symmetry’s specialized, dedicated, and passionate team of physical therapists is fully committed to each patient’s success.
10+ Years as a Therapist Owned Physical Therapy Practice