Scientific Progression at it's Finest. Lift at 20-30% 1 RM for the SAME strength gains as 80% 1 RM
The Science Behind Blood Flow Restriction
Safety Concerns with BFR Training
The safety of BFR training has been extensively studied. 8,10,12,24,32-49 One proposed risk is excessive muscle damage; however, it turns out BFR has been found to pose minimal risk of muscle damage with similar effects as LL-RT.8,10,12,24,35,40 Nevertheless, practitioners should be mindful of those patients who may inherently be at higher risk of sarcoidosis.8,10,12,24,35,40 Thrombus formation (i.e. a blood clot) has been raised as a theoretical risk for BFR training; however, the incidence of adverse events is very low and numerous studies have found no significant changes in blood markers for thrombus formation.8,10, 37-39, 48
Cardiovascular responses to BFR training have been extensively analyzed. 8,10,32-34,36,41-48 Overwhelmingly, these the large majority of studies found, that when applied properly, BFR is not associated with increased cardiovascular risk. 8,10,32-34,36,41-48 Notably, “proper application” include the cuff size, pressure, duration, rest, and intensity; moreover, these factors should be tailored specifically to each patient and account for their specific health presentation to best avoid adverse events. 8,10,32-34,36,41-48
A potential side effect of BFR is numbness;8,38 however, the incidence is low and most likely associated with excessive cuff pressure which can likely be prevented by the selection and application of an appropriate cuff size and pressure.8,38 Notably, numbness during BFR training has been reported as transient in nature and is most often relieved with adjustments to the cuff application or pressure level.8,38
BFR Training in the Management of Osteoporosis
Increased muscle strength and muscle mass are associated with increased bone mass and decreased bone fragility.50,53-57Therefore, increasing muscle mass and muscle strength may be a valuable tool in the prevention, deceleration, or even reversal of the bone loss associated with osteoporosis.50, 53-56 It has been recommended that older adults maintain higher muscle strength to slow down the loss of muscle mass and prevent balance impairments.50 Furthermore, it is beneficial to include activities which improve body balance and proprioception as well and osteogenic exercises to prevent falls and fractures associated with osteoporosis.50-57
While research on BFR in older populations is still emerging, the existing literature does support the use of BFR training for muscle strength, muscle hypertrophy and increased functional performance in older populations.34, 58-62 BFR is an effective training strategy which uses less mechanical stress and produces similar improvements in muscle strength and muscle mass as high resistance training.34, 58-62 Notably, older adults are commonly found to suffer muscle atrophy and are at a higher risk of falling; therefore, improving muscle strength and muscle mass can produce vital benefits.58
Bone mass is determined by two metabolic processes which are highly influenced by the body’s functional environment; most notably, loading stimulates bone building and bed rest or inactivity can induce bone loss.63-71 Numerous studies have found aerobic and anaerobic exercise with BFR can stimulate enhanced bone biomarkers and can therefore be part of the management for improving bone diseases such as osteoporosis.63,65-71
Brittany A. Forbes, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Dip. Osteopractic
Physical Therapist, Axis Physical Therapy, Jacksonville, NC
Graduate, AAMT Fellowship in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy
Casey Charlebois, PhD(c), DPT, MSc, FAAOMPT, Dip. Osteopractic
Director of Clinical Research, AAMT Fellowship in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy
PhD Candidate, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL
James Dunning, PhD, DPT, MSc, FAAOMPT, Dip. Osteopractic
Director, AAMT Fellowship in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy
Montgomery Osteopractic Physical Therapy & Acupuncture, Montgomery, AL
Paul Bliton, DPT, OCS, SCS, FAAOMPT, Dip. Osteopractic
Associate Director, AAMT Fellowship in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy
William S. Middleton VA Hospital, Madison, WI
Patrick Gorby, DPT, FAAOMPT, Dip. Osteopractic
Assistant Director, AAMT Fellowship in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy
Gorby Osteopractic Physical Therapy, Phoenix, AZ
Reviewed and Edited by:
Dr. Raymond Butts, PT, DPT, PhD, MS, FAAOMPT, Dip. Osteopractic, Cert. SMT, Cert. DN, MAACP(UK)
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