Weak Glutes & Glute Med

Do you have weak glutes?

The glute med is an abductor of the leg – meaning it functions to move your leg away from the midline of your body. In running and walking, it works to stabilize the pelvis on the opposite side. This is why standing on one leg and looking for that opposite side hip drop can identify weakness in this area.

Weak Glutes & Glute Med

So if you have weak glutes and try on that stance leg, it won’t be able to hold up the pelvis in a nice and stable fashion when you’re on one leg. This kind of hip drop is referred to as a Trendelenburg Gait. Sitting for long periods of time can make this muscle weak. 

Well, other muscles have to pick up the slack for that weakness which means injuries are on the horizon. 

Lower Back Pain & the Glute Med

When your pelvis isn’t stable, lower back muscles work in overdrive to try to pick up the slack of that weak glute med. When these muscles over-fire and over-shorten, you can experience some serious pain.

Knee Pain & the Glute Med

If the glute med isn’t working to abduct that leg – or take it away from the midline. This can put extra stress on the inner portion of the knee and the stabilizing structures there which can lead to knee pain.

So how can you combat glute weakness? At Symmetry Physical Therapy we can help you with training your glute med. You can also check us out on Youtube for follow-along video examples. 

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